Coming soon: New Single! View this post on Instagram The A-Beez are proud to announce the pending release of our new single “Christmas Without You” featuring Nigel Hall (@lettucefunk, @jonclearymusic ) on vocals. It’s a deeply personal account of coping with loss and finding joy during the holidays. It will also be accompanied by our FIRST EVER OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO! Stay tuned for details on how to make your support count in the fight against breast cancer! @thenigelhall #soulfulchristmas #fightbreastcancer #playitforward #theabeez #bostonmusicscene #christmassongs #newmusic #holidaymusic #bostonchristmas #musicforacause #berkleecollege #amybellamy #christmaswithoutyou A post shared by The A-beez (@theabeez) on Nov 8, 2019 at 3:39pm PST